Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February Spice Rack Challenge - Pork and Shrimp Meatballs

Sigh....the spice this month was Citrus, but not as simple as using some lemon or lime juice I need to used either citrus peel (fresh or dried) or preserved citrus, neither of which I use much.

I would have automatically made limoncello (actually I am still making limoncello) however the recipe that I follow takes longer than a month to complete so time constraints ruled it out for the challenge.

I was browsing Tasty Kitchen a week or so back and saw this recipe for pork and shrimp meatballs. It sounded pretty tasty and I saved it to use as a starting off point.

I used all the amounts roughly, used more garlic and pock, zested two lemons and added the juice of one.

Squish it all up with your hands, cook according to instructions in linked recipe (though I'm going to bake the ones that I froze when we have the second half of the batch).

I served half for dinner (and overcooked them slightly...oops,I don't fry much) with sauteed asparagus...

...and froze half the meatballs for a later date.

The verdict was that they were pretty tasty, though next time I'll have a dipping sauce to go with them.

Aerogarden - Two Weeks In

Three kinds of herbs all growing up. I've got genovese basil, dill, and thyme. Should be big enough to start harvesting in another 3-4 weeks I think.

Off to the side I'm growing baby lettuce in a clamshell container. I'm going to have fresh lettuce, locally (in Calgary), in March...I can't wait!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My new Aerogarden

I bought an Aerogarden 3. We'd been discussing getting one for a while now and walking past a display at Canadian Tire I gave in to temptation.

I got it home.

Pulled everything out of the box...

Assembled it in a minute flat...filled it with water and am now on my way to fresh herbs.

Apparently the thyme will begin to sprout in 5 days and the dill and basil will be about a week.

I'm ordering a tomato kit next so I have tomatoes before the garden ones will be ready...

and then I'll have fresh tomatoes all year long.